
I am Gena, age 30 something.  I am the happily married, stay at home mother of six. This blog is a small glimpse into my crazy world as I homeschool, go “greener” and attempt a healthy lifestyle, (which I think are one and the same), fit 8 of us into an 1100 sqft house and as I feed and clothe the masses, and all the while doing things I love.  This is the life we lead and some of the fun we have.  And at times, it gets a little wild!

The masses include:

My husband, Peter, auto tech extraordinaire

Samuel, age 16, the long distance runner

Jonathan, age 15, football player with great hair

Hannah, age 13, creative genius with beautiful brown eyes

Simon, age 10, a loud loner with food allergies

Benjamin, age 7, the comedian who doesn’t try

Evelyn, age 5, a small blue eyed girl with a big personality